
髙岡豊 (たかおか ゆたか)

新潟県出身。早稲田大学教育学部 卒(1998年)、上智大学で博士号(地域研究)取得(2011年)。

2018-2019 公益財団法人中東調査会 主席研究員

2000-2003 在シリア日本国大使館専門調査員

著書に『現代シリアの部族と政治・社会 : ユーフラテス河沿岸地域・ジャジーラ地域の部族の政治・社会的役割分析』三元社、『「イスラーム国」がわかる45のキーワード』明石書店など。

Dr. TAKAOKA Yutaka is Independent researcher of Syria.

He received Ph.D. in Area Studies from Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan) in 2011, and B.A. from Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) in 1998.

Previously, he served as Chief Research Fellow, the Middle East Research Institute of Japan in 2018-2019, and as Political attaché, Embassy of Japan in Syria in 2000-2003. His research has focused on Syrian Tribes and its role in contemporary politics. Among his recent individual publication is The Role of Tribes in Contemporary Syrian Politics and Society: An Analysis of Tribes in the Euphrates River Region and al-Jazeera Region (Tokyo: Sangen-sha 2012, in Japanese).

