Studies of Political Order and Political Change in the Middle East

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 15H03308 (2015-2018)


This study understands through public opinion surveys what kind of political order is sought by those living in the countries involved in conflicts who are caught in a dilemma between political freedom and the maintenance of order under Arab countries in 2010’s where large-scale conflicts were caused due to the political change that had been originally expected to encourage “Democratization”. Those people experienced “The Arab Spring” are not necessarily satisfied with the government of their respective countries that have been making efforts to resolve social uncertainties and economic issues through its public policies. Some of the people might make a commitment or become sympathetic to an anti-establishment thought or a radical belief pursuing the revolutionary solution due to their dislike of individual policies of their government and their disappearing political ideals because of them. In this context, this project will conduct opinion surveys with focusing on the following two themes: (1) an empirical analysis of people’s support of the regime as well as political parties and sections; and (2) an analysis of factors making people seek a chance to change in the political order.


Principal Investigator


  • Yutaka TAKAOKA (Chief Research Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan)
  • Dai YAMAO (Associate Professor, Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University)

Research Collaborators

  • Hiroyuki AOYAMA (Professor, Institute of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Masaki MIZOBUCHI (Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business)



First Meeting

  • Date :  May 16, 2015
  • Place : Doshisha University
  • Proceedings :  Shingo HAMANAKA, “Keynote Report and Research Plan”

Colloquium in Political Science, Ryukoku University (Research Presentation)

Created in April 2016