Grant-in-Aid for Scientific (B) 21H03683 18H03622 (2021-2023)
This project elucidates the actual state of cross-border activities of non-state armed actors in the conflict and post-conflict period state construction in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, using the method of area studies mainly by analyzing local language materials. In each of these countries, non-state actors play an important role in their own circumstances. But reflecting Iran’s foreign policy, some non-state actors act cross-border, and they are involved conflicts in multiple countries. Therefore, in this project, we will analyze the trends of non-state armed actors in each country mainly through the creation of a list of VIPs widely used in political research in Middle Eastern countries as a “warp”. Using the analysis of Iran’s foreign policy as a “weft”, we will elucidate both the uniqueness and commonality of non-state actors in each country.
Principal Investigator
- Yutaka TAKAOKA (Special Researcher, Institute of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
- Kenta AOKI (Executive Research Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan)
- Hiroyuki AOYAMA (Professor, Institute of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
- Kota SUECHIKA (Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University)
- Dai YAMAO (Associate Professor, Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University)
- 青木健太・神山美輝「イラン第11期国会議員選挙(2020年)データベース」(CMEPS-J Report No. 60).
- 髙岡 豊「シリアの議会の部族出身議員名簿」(CMEPS-J Report No. 66).
- 木戸皓平・浪内紫雲「シリア地方選挙結果(2022年):県議会・県庁所在市議会当選者一覧」(CMEPS-J Report No. 67).
- 青木健太「イラン第13期大統領選挙(2021年)閣僚データベース」(CMEPS-J Report No. 70).
- 青木健太「アフガニスタン大統領選挙集計データ(2001~2021年)」(CMEPS-J Report No. 75).
Created in April 2021 (Updated in January 2023)