Kota SUECHICA, Walid ALKHATIB, Takuro KIKKAWA, et.al., “Middle East Public Opinion Survey: Jordan 2023” (CMEIS Report No. 11) has been published on the website of Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEIS), Ritsumeikan University.
Author: namaken
AOYAMA and ALAHMAD, “Simple Tally Report of the “Opinion Survey on Integration of Syrians in Türkiye and Lebanon (2022)”” (CMEPS-J Report No. 71)
Kohei KIDO, Shiun NAMIUCHI and Yuta HAGIWARA, “Third Hussein Arnous Cabinet (Change of Five Ministers, March 29, 2023)”
Kohei KIDO, Shiun NAMIUCHI and Yuta HAGIWARA, “Third Hussein Arnous Cabinet (Change of Five Ministers, March 29, 2023)” has been published in Country File “Syria”.
Kenta AOKI, “13th Iranian Presidential Election (2021): Database of Ministers”(CMEPS-J Report No. 70)
Research project “Comparative Study on Trans Border Activities of Non-state Armed Actors in the Middle East” has published new Japanese report “13th Iranian Presidential Election (2021): Database of Ministers” (CMEPS-J Report No. 70) in CMEPS-J Reports.
Report of Simple Tally of “Middle East Public Opinion Survey (Syria 2022)” (CMEPS-J Report No. 69)
Research project “Roles of the Informal Actors in Reconstruction and/or Destruction of the State: Case Studies of the Arab East” has published new report “Report of Simple Tally of “Middle East Public Opinion Survey (Syria 2022)”” (CMEPS-J Report No. 69) in CMEPS-J Reports.
Click here for an overview of “Middle East Public Opinion Survey (Syria 2022).”
Opinion Survey in Iraq (2022)
New page “Opinion Survey in Iraq (2022)” has been launched in Opinion Surveys.
Kohei KIDO & Shiun NAMIUCHI “List of Successful Candidates in Local Elections in Syria 2022: Assemblies of Prefectures and Prefectural Capitals”
Kohei KIDO and Shiun NAMIUCHI’s “List of Successful Candidates in Local Elections in Syria 2022: Assemblies of Prefectures and Prefectural Capitals” (CMEPS-J Report No. 67) has been published in Country Files.
TAKAOKA Yutaka “List of Tribal Persons of Syrian Parliaments”
TAKAOKA Yutaka’s “List of Tribal Persons of Syrian Parliaments” (CMEPS-J Report No. 66) has been published in Country Files.
Hiroyuki AOYAMA “U.S. Military Intervention and Changes in Transition of U.S. Forces Stationed in Syria (2011-2021)” (re-recorded)
“Türkiye’deki Suriyeliler, On Yıl ve Daha Fazla Birlikte Yaşama: Gaziantep, Bir Vaka Çalışması” Basit Çetele Raporu (CMEPS-J Report No. 64)
CMEPS-J.net has published Turkish new report Ziad ALAHMAD ve Hiroyuki AOYAMA “”Türkiye’deki Suriyeliler, On Yıl ve Daha Fazla Birlikte Yaşama: Gaziantep, Bir Vaka Çalışması” Basit Çetele Raporu” (CMEPS-J Report No. 64). HTML